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How much Energy is Used Yearly? In Massachusetts?

Do you know how much energy is used yearly by people living in the United States?

Do you know how much energy is used yearly by people living in Massachusetts?

First off lets start with how energy is measured.  Energy is measured in BTU.  BTU is defined as; the amount of heat required to raise the temperature on 1 LB of water by one degree.  Or Thermal Units. 

Have I lost you??  if not please enjoy an interesting explanation of what BTUs look like. Click here to view the chart

Energy. gov has interesting Facts on this very topic…


Ienergy is usedn 2012 Individuals used 129,300,000 BTU.  What does that translate too?  Click here to view the chart


How can we as individuals lower the amount of energy we use?

  • Try making changes to the way we travel.
  • Use cars or trucks that are more fuel efficient.
  • Weatherizing our homes.
  • Use lighting and heating that are energy efficient.
  • read more

Conserving energy is good for the environment and your wallet, it’s a win win…