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Cyber Security Awareness Month

 Did you know that October 2014 has been called National Cyber Security Awareness Month??

Yes Cyber Security is so serious that it deserves its own month.  That is why the Department of Homeland Security is raising awareness for cyber security.  Are you cyber safe? Now is the time to learn how you can be.

Knowledge is power so all are encouraged to be educated about Cyber security threats.  All ages can benefit from this.  Gear up for national cyber security month.
cyber securityIf you would like more information, click here.


Simple things can make the biggest difference.  Stay safe year round by doing the following:

  • Set Strong passwords, and keep them to yourself.
  • Keep software on computers, smartphones and other devices updated.
  • Remember: Thoughts + Discussions =Your actions, so keep talking to friends and family about cyber security.
  • Remember privacy settings are there for a reason, so you can protect personal information.
  • Once its posted its very hard to retract it, think before you post.
  • Be careful when making payments online.
  • Talk with your children about cyber threats.

There are more age specific tips available on the DHS webiste.  Stay cyber safe my friends!

Click for more Cyber Security Tips

Do you have cyber liability coverage for your company?  Ask your local insurance agent about it today…


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